Since the formation of Tommy, the data privacy and content security of our clientele has been an important keystone of our business. Tommy has followed the strict workflow and data handling procedures established by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), passing security certification from Sony Pictures Entertainment, Disney, and Paramount Pictures Corporation.

Started in April of 2018 by the MPAA and the Content Delivery & Security Association, the Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is an industry-wide content protection initiative, designed to prevent the leaking or stealing of film and TV content before release. TPN ensures this by establishing strict security procedures and guidelines that ensure optimal content security. The Trusted Partner Network assessment gauges and assists vendors in their ability to follow said procedures by evaluating their facilities, staff members, and production workflows.

After being recently assessed by the TPN, Tommy has been approved in its ability to handle content securely, protect data, and conform to the latest MPAA guidelines. Tommy has been made a “trusted partner” in the TPN program, confirming that we collaborate safely with content creators and owners from around the world.

When it comes to protecting the valuable assets provided by clients and partners, Tommy is dedicated to providing the highest degree of security possible. The TPN program is an important step in this process, and we are proud to contribute to the overall security of our industry.